Have you or someone you know ever said, “This area started hurting after my accident and all the doctors have told me that it is not related to my accident but no one can tell me what caused it.” Or “Ever since I went to the dentist, my tooth has hurt (or been sensitive to cold) but the dentist can’t find anything wrong with it.” Or “Ever since I had the C-section (or other surgery) I have had this problem, but the surgeon said there was no relationship to my symptom and the surgery. But I never had it before the surgery.”
Patients often tell me such things as this including that they have never been the same since the accident, the injury, the surgery, the childbirth, the dental intervention, or whatever. I am always happy to hear this because I immediately know what I need to do to help relieve them from their symptoms: Injury Recall Technique,” or what we commonly refer to as “IRT.”
About 80% of the patients I see have “muscle memories” of one or more of their previous injuries. These “muscle memories” contribute to the present problems and complaints that the patient reports. It is the “muscle memory” of an injury that is corrected by IRT.
To understand what IRT is, you must first understand what happens when the body encounters an injury or trauma of any kind including surgery and even some dental procedures. There is a muscle response to any injury to the tissues. For example, what do you do instinctively if you put your hand on a hot kitchen stove burner? You immediately pull your hand away, and in fact, you tend to move your whole body away from the burner. Or if you step on a tack, immediately you lift your foot away from the tack and shift your whole body weight to the other foot. These “whole body muscle responses” to an injury are a protective mechanism to help avoid further injury. They are supposed to last for a brief time, and then return the muscles to normal balance.
But if the injury is serious enough, or lasts long enough, these muscle responses continue. In fact, they whole body muscle response to the injury often remains in the background even years after the injury has finally healed. This is why we say that IRT problems exist due to a “muscle memory” of the injury.
IRT is a simple technique that “erases” the “muscle memory” of the injury. More accurately, IRT affects nerve pathways to muscles that were turned on at the time of the injury, but never got turned off when it healed. In other words, IRT restores muscle balance to the pre-injury state. When the normal muscle balance is returned, symptoms will often abate immediately. This is the basis for the routinely spectacular responses my colleagues and I see when performing IRT on our patients.
I have often said that if I could only perform one procedure in my office, it would be IRT. This is because IRT affects so many conditions in so many people. It is the technique the “gets the greatest bang for the buck” of any single procedure that I have ever seen.
IRT is a technique that I have taught thousands of doctors. It is quite simple, but requires a bit on anatomical knowledge, so I don’t teach it to a general audience.
You can watch a free lecture on IRT from the Quintessential Applications course by entering your email in the form below.